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UM Player >> UMPlayer Keyboard Shortcut or Hotkeys

UMPlayer Keyboard Shortcut or Hotkeys

UMPlayer Keyboard Shortcut or Hotkeys. List of UMPlayer Keyboard Shortcut or Hotkeys
It is a free video player. It uses similar interface as the M player but it is an improvement over. It is a great player that supports almost all video formats and codecs. The UMPlayer also has YouTube integration that is you can watch YouTube videos from the UMPlayer.
Price: Free
In order to check out all the keyboard shortcut and hotkeys present in the UMPlayer. Please follow the following instructions below:
1) Launch UMPlayer
2) Press Ctrl + P on your keyboard to go to Preferences OR go to the Menu bar, Click on Options and then click on Preferences.
3) A window will open, named UMPlayer Prefences.
UMPlayer Preferences
4) On the left hand corner, check down, you will see Keyboard and Mouse, Click on it and this interface will appear.
UMPlayer Keyboard and Mouse
5) The window that appear has all the list of keyboard shortcut and hotkeys available for the UMPlayer. You could also create your personalized keyboard shortcut and hotkeys by clicking on Change shortcut and choosing preferred keyboard keys to be used.
Below are some of the top keyboard shortcut or hotkeys one should know and keep using with the UMPlayer.
1. Space
2. S
Taking Snapshot
3. F or Ctrl + T
Full Screen
4. 9
Volume up
5. 0
Volume down
6. + or =
Audio Delay increase
7. – Or _
Audio delay decrease
8. Left or Ctrl + shift +B
Ten (10) seconds Backward
9. Right or Ctrl + shift + F
Ten (10) seconds Forward
10. Down
One (1) Minute backward
11. Up
One (1) Minute Forward
12. Pgdown or pd dn
Ten (10) minutes backward (rewind)
13. Pgup or pg up
Ten (10) minutes forward
14. Backspace
Normal Speed
15. } or shift + ] Half speed of video
16. { or shift + [
Double speed of video
17. Shift + D
For multiple screenshots.
18. M
19. Ctrl + P
20. Z
Subtitle delay –
21. X
Subtitle delay +
22. R
Take subtitle up
23. T
Take subtitle down
24. V
Subtitle visibility
25. Ctrl + L
26. F11
YouTube browser
27. Esc
Leave full screen
28. Ctrl + Q
To quit
Hope with this, you have been able to use the UMPlayer more efficiently, effectively and faster.
Comment Below, to tell us which keyboard shortcut or hotkey to be added to the list. Thanks

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