There are many social media platform with Telegram being one of them. The Telegram app is a robust platform which is home to many channels and groups all over the world. A channel is a part of Telegram that allows you to broadcast messages to people called subscribers. Perhaps you no longer wish to continue with a channel and you want to delete it, this guide provides you with how to do this:
How to Delete a Channel on Telegram on Android
Android users can also use the Telegram app to delete their channel. Here’s how:
1. Launch the Telegram app and go the Telegram Channel.
2. Click the channel’s display photo at the top.
3. Tap the “Pencil” icon.
4. Next, go down the screen and hit “Delete Channel”.
And the channel will be terminated.
How to Delete a Channel on Telegram on iOS
If you want to delete your channel on Telegram, that’s possible. Here’s how to do it:
1. Open the Telegram Channel you want to delete.
2. Tap the display photo of the channel at the top part of the screen.
3. Tap Edit which you’ll see at the top-right corner.
4. Locate “Delete Channel” and tap it.
5. Tap Delete Channel again.
How to Delete a Channel on Telegram on a PC
It’s easy to delete a Telegram channel on PC. Here’s how:
1. Open Telegram on your PC
2. Next, locate the channel you want deleted and click it. This will take you to the Channel’s page.
3. Click the three vertical dots besides the channel name which will open up a drop-down menu.
4. Select “Delete Channel”.
When you hit “Delete”, Telegram will display a pop-up window which you can use to reverse your action within six seconds. If it was not your intention to delete the channel, quickly hit “Undo”.
Telegram will automatically delete your channel if your account is inactive. If it’s not used for 90 days, it will be gone. However, subscribers of the channel will be notified.
How to Delete a Channel on Telegram on Mac
Telegram can also allow you to delete channels on Mac also. Here’s how:
1. Open the Telegram Web page by going here .
2. Next, locate the channel you wish to delete.
3. Next, click the three vertical dots next to the channel name and a drop down-menu will be displayed.
4. Click “Delete Channel”
5. Hit “Delete” again.
You can reverse the process, but you can only do this within 6 seconds of taking action. After that it is impossible to get the channel back.
Rounding Up…
Telegram is a great way to connect with others and its channel feature is also a great way to reach a large number of people, but if you no longer need it, you can easily delete it. We hope you found this helpful? Of you did, kindly leave a comment and don’t forget to share…