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Kodi Keyboard Shortcuts or Hotkeys

Kodi Keyboard Shortcuts or Hotkeys Every Kodi user need to know
It is a free video player developed by Kodi  for users, it available on different operating system and devices such as the Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Raspberry Pi, Amazon Fire TV.
It has a nice interface and has availability for support for a lot of Skins. Thus, it has great for customization due to the fact Kodi has a lot in stock in terms of customization. It also has support for almost all video format and codecs.
Price: Free and Open Sources
Kodi major competitor in this field is Plex.
Keyboard shortcut or Hotkey provides easier and faster way to perform a task within a program or a software. Kodi has lot of in built keyboard shortcuts or hotkey.

Below are some of the top keyboard shortcut or hotkeys one should know and keep using with the Kodi.

Top Keyboard Shortcut For Kodi

1)  Space BarPlay/Pause
Play a video or Pause a Video while it is been played
2) Ctrl + S or Prt Sc
Screen capture or take a screenshot of a particular area in a Video
3) \
Full Screen or used to exit Full screen
4) + or =
Increases Volume
5) –
Decreases Volume
6) Left Key
Five (5) seconds Backward
7) Right Key
Five (5) seconds Forward
8) Up
Ten (10) Minutes forward or move to next chapter
9) Down Key
Ten (10) Minutes Backward
10) Backspace
Starting Point of Video or Audio
11) Ctrl + T
Change or toggles subtitle position
12) Ctrl + Up Key
Move subtitles up
13) Ctrl + Down Key
Move subtitles Down
14) Ctrl + T
Change Subtitle Positions
15) F8
Mute or off the volume
16) E
Live TV Guide.
17) B
Live TV, in order to schedule recording of video using the timers.
18) Page Up
previous to Next Queued Video or next chapter of Video if there is no queued video
19) Page Down
Skip to Next Queued Video or next chapter of Video if there is no queued video
20) Ctrl + END
Exit or Quit Kodi
21) DEL
Delete a File (Video, Audio, Image)
22) Z
Change Aspect Ratio or Zoom in to a Video
23) P
24) X
25) Esc
Exit Full Screen
26) S
Shutdown Kodi or Off Kodi
27) F
Forward a Video or Audio
Rewind a Video or Audio
Hope with this, you have been able to use the Kodi efficiently and faster.
Comment Below, to tell us which keyboard shortcut or hotkey to be added to the list. Thanks

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