How to Verify BVN on Paystack and Flutterwave
BVN stands for Bank Verification Number, it is a biometric identification number in the database of the Central Bank of Nigeria
To check your BVN, Follow the guide here
How to Verify BVN on Paystack
The BVN Match service allows you to verify that an account number, first name, last name and middle name of a user matches their BVN.
The endpoint accepts a POST request, with the account_number, BVN, and bank_code as required parameters, while first_name , last_name and middle_name are optional parameters.
This endpoint returns the following details with boolean values:
Is Blacklisted
First name
Last name
Middle name
-H “Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY”
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-d ‘{ bvn: “xxxxxxxxxxx”, account_number: “0001234567”,
bank_code: “058”, first_name: “Jane”, last_name: “Doe”,
middle_name: “Loren”}’
This service cost N15 per call, but you get 10 free calls per month. After exhausting the 10 free calls, registered businesses would have to top up your Paystack balance to continue using this service.
How to Verify BVN on Flutterwave
Bank verification number (BVN) is only available for Nigerian customers. This is a means of verifying a customer and can be used for KYC. Customer supplies their BVN and you call our Resolve bvn details endpoint. This service costs N50 per call.
Below is a sample request:
curl –location –request GET ‘′ \
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer {{SEC_KEY}}’
Bearer {{SEC_KEY}}
Path Variables
Sample Response
“status”: “success”,
“message”: “BVN details fetched”,
“data”: {
“bvn”: “123456789”,
“first_name”: “Wendy”,
“middle_name”: “Chucky”,
“last_name”: “Rhoades”,
“date_of_birth”: “01-01-1905”,
“phone_number”: “08012345678”,
“registration_date”: “01-01-1921”,
“enrollment_bank”: “044”,
“enrollment_branch”: “Idejo”,
“image_base_64”: null,
“address”: null,
“gender”: “Male”,
“email”: null,
“watch_listed”: null,
“nationality”: “Nigerian”,
“marital_status”: null,
“state_of_residence”: null,
“lga_of_residence”: null,
“image”: null
Hope, with this you have been able to learn How to Verify BVN on Paystack and Flutterwave
Please comment below for any issues faced while going through this process.