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5 Best Web Browser for Android TVs

A web browser is the interface that makes it possible for you to browse the web. We know the browsers popular on smartphones and desktop devices. It may interest you to know that there are also TV counterparts for these apps. Android TVs are smart TVs based on the Android operating system. Basically, you would use a remote control to navigate a smart TV and yes, a web browser on it. If you’ve been looking for a great Android TV web browser, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive right in…

  1. Puffin TV Browser

The problem with many TV browsers is that they do not work with the device’s remote. To use these browsers, you have to use a gaming controller or smartphone app. However Puffin TV isn’t like that. The browser works seamlessly with an Android TV’s remote. Puffin TV Browser gives a fast and easy experience. The browser is specifically made for Android TVs. It boasts of features like Adobe Flash as well as QR codes to enable you to visit your favourite sites easily.

Get Puffin TV Browser

2. Google Chrome

You already know Google Chrome. It is a popular web browser, used on computers and mobile devices. The browser works on Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, as well as on Android TV. It boasts of solid performance. You can play high-quality streams on it. You can also stream content from your PC or smartphone, offering you versatility with your Smart TV. Google Chrome also has built-in support for voice search so you can easily browse the internet.

Get Google Chrome

3. DuckDuckGo

If you want a web browser for your Android TV that is big on privacy, choose DuckDuckGo. The browser has a strict approach to data and user privacy. Also used on mobile devices, the browser works well on Android TV too. You can do anonymous browsing on the browser right from your Android TV. It has other brilliant features too. For example, it will do automated history clearing after a particular period. There’s even support for manual deletion which can be achieved with the press of a single button.

Get DuckDuckGo

4. Mozilla Firefox

Another web browser for Android TV is Mozilla Firefox. One of the oldest browsers, it has also made a name for itself in the Android TV space. People concerned about privacy will also find the browser helpful. It is also useful in streaming video content on your Android TV. You cam get it on your Android TV by sideloading the APK file from an app store or your phone. Overall, Firefox is a brilliant TV Browser for your Android TV.

Get Mozilla Firefox

5. Brave Browser

Another privacy-centric browser, Brave browser has a lot of good features. The browser will block unwanted ads resulting in faster speed. What’s more? Tor can be used in a tab directly making your browsing private. What Tor would do is to prevent your browsing history, and location from being tracked by the websites you visit. Brave uses HTTPS secure connections, and does not sell your data.

Get Brave Browser

Rounding Up…

Android TVs can let you explore the web comfortably since they have a large display. Depending on your needs, there are various web browsers that work for an Android TV. A bunch of them listed here focus on privacy, while others are general-purpose. We hope you found this guide helpful? If you did, kindly leave a comment and don’t forget to share…




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