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5 Best Time Tracking Apps for iPhone & iPad

5 Best Time Tracking Apps for iOS

Time is life! How we spend our time matters especially because time is finite. Whether at work or in your personal life, it is very important to manage your time. Wasting time can be very detrimental to the completion of projects and tasks. This is why it is very important to track time. Time tracking is the process of logging the time you spend on each task either on paper or digitally. Luckily, we have a bunch of time trackers you can download for your iPhone or iPad. In this guide, we cover 5 of them…

1. Toggl Track

Toggl Track is one of the best time tracker for iOS. The app boast of the Pomodoro technique feature which is very great for using time effectively. With Pomodoro you can improve your concentration. You dedicate 20 to 25 minutes to focused work, and then take a break for 5 minutes. Toggl Track gives you a report on your productivity and gives you a breakdown of the time you spent on your day. You can use these reports to optimise your time management. Moreso, Toggle Track will give you suggestions on how to manage time effectively. You can use the app free and there are no in-app purchases whatsoever.

Download Toggl Track

2. TrackingTime

TrackingTime is another useful app for tracking time on your iPhone and iPad. The app helps you to track time and it shows this in blocks, just like a calendar app would do. The app has great customisation features. You can choose whether you want to see time blocks according to day, week, month, or team view. The daily view shows you the most useful information in our opinion. You’ll see the full month’s calendar on the left and each day of the month will show an icon that tells you the amount of time tracked. You can also plan your time in advance by scheduling blocks of time on your calendar for tasks you want to later in the week, or month.

Download TrackingTime

3. Harvest

Harvest is a productivity app that does the time tracking assignment well. It not only has time tracking features, it can also allow you to create an invoice suitable for freelancers. The app works on cross platform both on Mac and iOS. You can even use the app on an Apple Watch. Harvest is heavy on integration as it boasts of over 70 integration with business management services like Stripe, QuickBooks, Trello and more. As said earlier, you can make itemized invoices that can be sent to clients as you close projects.

Download Harvest

4. ProofHub

If you want to take your project management to the next level with effective time tracking, you should try ProofHub. It has an intuitive interface that teams can work with. It boasts of an automatic timer that will track every hour you use on projects. It also has manual time entry capabilities too. When time is tracked, the data is saved in a timesheets. The time reports are useful as it allows you track your productivity. ProofHub works with Freshbooks and other apps. With Freshbooks, you can combine time tracking with billing and invoicing.

Download ProofHub

5. Clockify

If you want things simple, you can’t go wrong with Clockify. The app gives you the basics of time tracking. You can decide to manually or automatically track your time. There’s also provision for team members. So you can add project spaces and workspaces with team members. Clockify will also give you reports on your tracking. Though you won’t find premium features in the app, but if you want something basic, Clockify is probably the best for you.

Download Clockify

Rounding Up…

To manage time effectively, experts recommend that you track and monitor how you spend your time so that you will know where exactly your time is going. We hope you found this guide helpful? If you did, kindly leave a comment and don’t forget to share…

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