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5 Best Stretching Apps for Android 2022

5 Best Stretching Apps for Android 2022

Stretching has immense benefits. It can be very useful before and after exercising, or it could help relieve pain after working on a desk. Stretching can be done every morning and evening whichever may be convinient for you. If you’re looking to stretching, you may want to try out stretching apps to be your personal trainer. We have rounded up the best stretching apps here. Let’s get into it….


If you’ve been trying stretching for a while and you want to go advanced in it, then give ROMWOD a try. ROMWOD stands for Range of Motion Workout of the Day, and it is designed to give you daily stretching videos that will improve your range of motion, and help your athletic performance. It boasts of long stretch workout videos spanning between 15-30 minutes. ROMWOD might not be perfect for you if you’re beginner as it is geared towards people who already work out. The exercises are robust with instructions and videos, so you can be sure on what to do during each exercise.

Download ROMWOD

2. StretchIt

StretchIt is a great app for stretching. The app boasts of great videos and classes to learn from. All these are organised on an easy-to-use interface. Classes are categorised by themes helping you to find exactly which is right for you. You can set reminders in the app that will alert you to start your stretch which is a good way to be accountable. One of the great thing about the app is that it allows you to download routines for offline view. This can be useful if you’re in a place where network is not strong. It also allows you to plan your classes by adding them to your calendar. You can go to the challenges tab which contains goals that you can achieve.

Download StretchIt

3. Stretch & Flexibility at Home

Stretch & Flexibility is another stretching app that works for all levels. There are tons of stretches that you can do. You can use the app to stretch in the day or at night. It boasts of stretches that can correct posture, relieve pain, and improve your upper or lower body. The app has varieties of routine that you can do within any given time, whether it is 3 minutes or 30 minutes. Even if you have a back pain, the app will help you to feel relief when you do some few easy stretches. The app also features a Report page that you can use to record your weight and BMI.

Download Stretch & Flexibility at Home

4. SworKit

SworKit is an excellent stretching app that boasts of impressive stretching exercises. It is a comprehensive app that you can find basic stretching routines, foam rolling, yoga, strength workout and more. The routine can be customised so that you can do stretches for a total time from 5 to 60 minutes. You can also swap stretches if needed. The app can work for both beginners and athletes, and has exercises for both. The app allows you to save custom workout and track your progress on the calendar.

Download SworKit

5. Flexibility & Stretching

Another app that guides you in stretching is Flexibility & Stretching. With this app, you can practice conviniently at home. With the app you will be able to improve your muscle control, mobility, and flexibility. The app boasts of 4 unique workout so you can choose one that meets your needs. You can choose any between full body stretching, upper body stretching, back stretching, lower body stretching. It also features HD video and voice guides. There are even custom workout you can create with custom duration, and intervals.

Download Flexibility & Stretching

Rounding Up…

Stretching can be fun and relaxing. However, for the best stretching experience, you need a very capable app. The best stretching apps have a good number of videos, stretching styles, timer, and system for tracking your progress. We hope you found this guide helpful? If you did, kindly leave a comment and don’t forget to share…

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