5 Best Habit Tracker Apps for Android for 2022
Habits are the building blocks of our lives. What we do or the way we act is composed on the habits we’ve built over time. When you have good habits, it increases your self esteem and worth and you feel better about yourself. This is why it is important to build good habits and do away with the bad ones.
Luckily, you can have some form of accountability with habit trackers. These apps helps you track your progress with habits. In this article, we cover five of these apps.
1. HabitHub
HabitHub is a simple app that gets the job done. You can easily track your habits without the nuances of many features. The app will allow you to add goals, and see your progress in streak graphs. Your goals can be customised with a time you you want to do them. It has a great reward system also. You can also tweak the reward system to fit your liking so you are more motivated. The reward system also grows from your consistent use of it.
2. Habitica
Habatica is an RPG based habit tracker that has fun set of features. As you build up and mark your habit complete, your character gradually builds up. More fun is available as you can join parties, get new armoury and more. If you’re a lover of RPGs, then Habatica might be the app for you. If you’re not an RPG fan, you may still find the app useful as the motivation around the gamification of the app can push you. Any day you don’t do an habit, you lose some features of your character.
3. Habit Tracker
HabitBull is a great goal tracker for your Android device. Its simple UI can allow you to see a month at a glance. The app features graphs and charts that enables you to see your performance with habits visually. You can even export the data in CSV format and use it for other purposes. The app can allow you to customise how often you want to perform an habit. For example, you may want to write 4 times a week, and HabitBull let’s you set this in the app.
4. Coach.me
If you want to build new habits but you also need extra motivation, then this app is for you. The app can be your companion in your journey. Coach.me lets you track your habits and also provides a community and coaching to motivate you more. When you add a common habit on the app, you’ll have access to a discussion thread where you’ll be able to join conversation with other Coach.me users. They can give you support in areas where you’re having problems. The coaching part of the app gives you to opportunity to discuss with a coach for a fee.
5. Loop
Loop is a simple app for tracking habits. The open-source app is useful for anyone who wants to keep a tab on their habits. The app allows you to track habits on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You can create a new habit, give it a name and description, and then set how often you want the habits to repeat. The UI gives you the ability to see the previous four days at a glance which you can easily just check off.
Rounding up…
Being accountable is one important element of buildinghabits and habit tracker help you to stay accountable. It always feels good to check off those days or see your habit streaks building up. We hope you found this guide helpful? If you did, kindly leave a comment and don’t forget to share…
I would like to add one more app!
Habit Tracker: Daily Tasks
Thanks for the addition